A Remote, Digital, and In-Person Church and Ministry Specializing In

Pastoral Leadership & Counseling, Worship and the Word, Christian Education and Empowerment Conferences

"By God's direction and to the best of our abilities, we are committed to meeting you in, and at your place of need. As your remote and in-person pastor, I will meet you where you are, stand by your side with godly counsel and direction that's filled with hope and encouragement as you travel the path God has prepared for you." Pastor Elton L Young, MA

Do you need Pastoral Care from a Leader that's Experienced Grief, Loss, and Separation?

Have you experienced the tragedy of divorce, or the death of your spouse? Have you found yourself alone while having to pick up the pieces of your life as you search for new meaning and direction? I share your experience and God has blessed me with words of wisdom and acts of comfort and counsel to help you in, and through your pain by providing specialized services in the areas of:

Pastoral Care (Remote and In-Person)

Worship and the Word

Faith-Based Counseling

Educational Trainings and Empowerment Conferences

Conflict Resolution and Conflict Management